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International Women's Day 2022 Break The Bias

International Women's Day 2022 Break The Bias

If you had the power, what would you change about the world?

This week, I've been thinking about the International Women's Day theme for this year. This year it's #BreakTheBias

It's a call to arms, to stand in solidarity with those imagining—and fighting for—a gender equal world.

Gender equity in our communities, in our educational institutions, and in business.

It's got me thinking about how I show up as a business owner, and a female one at that.

About how what started as a tiny idea to create non-toxic candles has morphed into a potent force for change, an opportunity to stand in solidarity hundreds of times a day and to become a role model for my kids.

And at times the changes are so slow, so imperceptible, that I don't notice them. This might be the same for you?

But the truth is, micro changes are happening all the time, in ways we couldn't even comprehend.

And by simply doing what we do, we're creating ripples that magnify and grow.

The Grampians Goods Co has been a force for change.

It's changed me. I didn't notice it at first, but now I see that I'm a stronger, more empowered and vibrant version of the person I was always supposed to be.

It's changed my kids. Showing them that if they work hard and listen to their gut, they can shoot through glass ceilings left, right and centre. They can #BreakTheBias for themselves, and they can support movements that help break it for others with less privilege.

It's changed my community. Both personally and professionally, supporting local businesses is powerful—since starting GGCo., I've collaborated with hundreds of business owners and share in the celebrations of their success, and support them when they struggle.

On a more personal note, I've had friends reach out to me to tell me that my stepping out and forging a new way to live has inspired them to do the same.

And being in business is changing the world, sale by sale.

After being in business for a couple of years, I knew I wanted to harness the momentum to bring more meaning and purpose into the business.

By partnering with i=Change, the GGCo. community has collectively raised almost 10k, which goes to charities that support women experiencing domestic violence, reef or land restoration.

For me, this was the missing piece.

Now, I feel ecstatic knowing that the curated collections and bespoke pieces that I work tirelessly to bring to GGCo.'s repertoire, are contributing to change.

Not big, bold change—no, it's the micro changes that I love. The consistent contributions to a better world.


So this International Women's Day, remember your power.

Remember that tiny moments of solidarity, defiance, curiosity and rebellion can create change.

And by continuously showing up with integrity, and perhaps a splash of idealism, you're part of a global community of change makers.


I'll leave you with this picture of my eldest, Claudia. This was a few years ago, standing with Wonder Woman and striking the #BreakTheBias pose.

That little face of defiance gets me every time!! 😭😭😭 #proudmum

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